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Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions at Lakeside at Waterman Village

January 17, 2023

The new year is a great time to work on improving yourself. Millions of people make promises to themselves about making positive change every January 1st. These resolutions most often involve getting fit, saving money or learning a new hobby or skill. Despite having good intentions, after the “new year, new me” glow wears off, it’s common for people to struggle with accomplishing their set goals.

Luckily for residents of Lakeside at Waterman Village, the Brain Wellness Academy for Seniors provides support for reaching those New Year’s resolutions! This eight-week program led by coordinator Coleen Connolly conducts stimulating activities aimed to keep seniors moving, thinking and socializing. Regular brain exercises and socialization are important for seniors to improve their mood, health and relationships. We met with Coleen to discuss how the program can help people meet their New Year’s resolutions. Below are a few common resolutions and how the Brain Wellness Academy helps participants achieve them!

I want to be more physically active in 2023!

As a part of the program, participants take fitness courses. The wellness director meets with the group to review the importance of physical health. An exercise plan is built out and participants regularly work out together during class meetings. In addition to workouts, the class tries breathing exercises, stretches with yoga poses and learns about nutrition. The curriculum puts a strong emphasis on comprehensive wellness, which covers more than just physical wellness. The program also cultivates mental, social, environmental and vocational wellness.

I want to use my brain in more challenging ways!

The academy is a great opportunity to work out your mind. Participants take part in different interactive lessons that exercise different parts of their brain. Puzzles, painting and music are a regular part of the curriculum. A big part of Coleen’s syllabus involves activities that engage and stimulate her participants’ brains. The program mirrors our community’s commitment to lifelong learning. The brain needs to stay active to perform well as we age, just like our bodies. Mental stimulation tasks are a good way for seniors to build cognitive reserve, lower stress and improve their overall health. Consistent mental stimulation increases the chances of continuing a long, healthy life.

I want to meet new people and socialize more!

The program provides ample opportunities for participants to meet and interact with new people. Session groups comprise both Lakeside residents, Oaks residents and Mount Dora area residents. The groups work closely together during program activities. This gives our residents an opportunity to not only get to know those living on the Lakeside and Oaks campuses, but also those around Mount Dora. Many introverts join the program as a way to talk to people regularly. Quarantine strongly affected seniors who live alone, so the program is healing for a lot of residents who experienced isolation.

The Brain Wellness Academy is just one of the many available resources for Lakeside at Waterman Village residents to access. Our offered amenities and services not only support our residents in achieving their resolutions and goals, but also provide support for their day-to-day life. From our fitness center to our on-site restaurant, Lakeside at Waterman Village seeks to eliminate the barriers that can keep you from achieving your resolutions and enjoying retirement. For more information on how Lakeside can transform your living, contact us at 352-385-1120 today.


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